
Teacher Woo Myung's New Sensation as an e-Book!

Teacher Woo Myung's New Sensation, 
"Stop living in this land, go to the everlasting world of happiness, live there forever."
is now available as an e-Book

View the whole article on The Oslo Times


Love, Compassion and Virtue - Teacher Woo Myung

Love, Compassion and Virtue

Teacher Woo Myung Qoutes

...The mind that is without the thought that you have done something for someone;
the mind that is absent of the thought that one has done anything at all;
the mind where the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing -
this mind is only possible when your mind becomes that of God. 

From <Stop living in this land. 
Go to the everlasting world of happiness
Live there forever.>
- Woo Myung


The Human Mind - Teacher Woo Myung

While the time of incompletion was the period of addition and gain, the time of completion is one of subtraction.

If one eliminates all that is false, only what is true will remain.


From Despair To Hope - Teacher Woo Myung

From Amazon #1 Bestselling Book

Stop living in this land

Go to the everlasting world of happiness

Live there forever 

"...Discarding falseness and becoming real is the only path to life. ...The right way, or the answer, is to discard falseness so that only Truth remains, and to be reborn as Truth.

From Despair To Hope 

- Teacher Woo Myung 


The Book Makes You Real - Stop Living In This Land. Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness. Live There Forever - Woo Myung

<Stop Living In This Land. 
Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness. 
Live There Forever>

written by Teacher Woo Myung 

"The human mind is the false mind that has taken pictures of all that belongs to the world. Man lives inside that false mind so if he discards all the pictures, his mind will be changed from the human mind to God's mind." 
"When one becomes the mind of nature and is without blame, without envy, jealousy or conceit, without judgement of right and wrong, discernment of this and that; When all human minds have disappeared, it is the mind of nature."

"When everyone becomes of one mind,
and the world becomes a place
where people live for others,
it will become a paradise on Earth"


Articles on South Korean Author Woo Myung's "Stop Living In This Land. Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness. Live There Forever" Hits #1 on the Amazon Bestseller List:
 "Stop Living In This Land. Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness. Live There Forever" reveals the precise destination for modern man on where he has to go. Woo Myung provides the way for a person to change the human mind to the infinite universe mind.

on PRWeb December 01, 2012 READ MORE


My Teacher Woo Myung

Teacher Woo Myung is...

Founder of Maum Meditation
World Peace Ambassador
Recipient of Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize
Amazon Best-Selling Author

But most of all, 
he is a Teacher who puts the greatest importance 
on teaching people.

He travels all around the world 
to deliver a message that anyone can reach 
the state of great freedom and liberation 
by changing human mind to the universe mind. 

He is more passionate than any other person, 
and loves and cares for others. 

He is truly The Great Teacher.

"The human mind is the false mind that has taken pictures of all that belongs to the world. Man lives inside that false mind so if he discards all the pictures, his mind will be changed from the human mind to God's mind."

From his latest book