My Teacher Woo Myung

Teacher Woo Myung

Teacher Woo Myung is...

Founder oMaum Meditation
World Peace Ambassador
Recipient of Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize
Amazon Best-Selling Author

But most of all, 

he is a Teacher who puts the greatest importance 
on teaching people.

He travels all around the world 
to deliver a message that anyone can reach 
the state of great freedom and liberation 
by changing human mind to the universe mind. 

He is more passionate than any other person, 
and loves and cares for others. 

He is truly The Great Teacher.

Teacher Woo Myung
"The human mind is the false mind that has taken pictures of all that belongs to the world. Man lives inside that false mind so if he discards all the pictures, his mind will be changed from the human mind to God's mind."

From his latest book 

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