
My Will - Teacher Woo Myung

The world is wide and I am living a human life,
With only seventy to eighty years.
I have so much to do in the world
So regardless of whether it is day or night,
I dedicate all my time to teaching Truth to people.
With the thought that I must awaken people in all corners of the earth,
My mind is busy, so busy.
And I am waiting and waiting
For the day when all people have become complete
And all people are able to live.
It is my hope that before I die,
Truth will be spread all over the world
And everyone will be resurrected as Truth.
I pity people; living then dying without meaning or purpose,
It is heartbreaking.
My will is to work hard
So that even one more person may live.

-Woo Myung

More about Teacher Woo Myung

*Excerpt from Book
<Stop Living in This Land. Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness. Live There Forever.>

More about the Book



Teacher Woo Myung on Amazon Top 100 Annual Best Seller List

Woo Myung, Founder of Maum Meditation, Becomes First South Korean Single Author to Make Amazon Top 100 Annual Best Seller List

2012 proved to be a successful year for "Stop Living In This Land, Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness, Live There Forever" by renowned author Woo Myung
... Woo Myung is the first South Korean single author to have accomplished this remarkable achievement of ranking in the Amazon Top 100 Best Seller List of the year. 

Original Article on San Francisco Chronicle 


Teacher Woo Myung's Sensation on Press

New Sensation: Founder of Maum Meditation and World Renowned Author Woo Myung is First South Korean Single Author to Make Amazon's Annual Top 100 Best Seller List

On 'The Jet', Fiji's first community newspaper