
My Will - Teacher Woo Myung

The world is wide and I am living a human life,
With only seventy to eighty years.
I have so much to do in the world
So regardless of whether it is day or night,
I dedicate all my time to teaching Truth to people.
With the thought that I must awaken people in all corners of the earth,
My mind is busy, so busy.
And I am waiting and waiting
For the day when all people have become complete
And all people are able to live.
It is my hope that before I die,
Truth will be spread all over the world
And everyone will be resurrected as Truth.
I pity people; living then dying without meaning or purpose,
It is heartbreaking.
My will is to work hard
So that even one more person may live.

-Woo Myung

More about Teacher Woo Myung

*Excerpt from Book
<Stop Living in This Land. Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness. Live There Forever.>

More about the Book

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