
Woo Myung's Maum Meditation Offers the Fundamental Solution to Live with True Freedom

There is an author who has been causing a sensation throughout the world. 2012 was the first time a Korean single author’s book was listed in the Top 100 Bestseller of the Year list on Amazon.He is teacher Woo Myung, the bestselling author of “Stop Living in this Land, Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness, Live There Forever” and the founder of Maum Meditation.

...Maum Meditation follows the teachings of Woo Myung which explains the mind - the human mind (one's false nature) and the original Universe mind (one’s true nature), as well as the method of human completion. Thus, Maum Meditation changes the human mind to the infinite Universe mind.

Read more: San Francisco Chronicle 

The Publisher Cham BooksCham Books was founded in 2011 and also publishes the popular online monthly magazine, Wisdom's Webzine.

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