
Woo Myung - The Great Teacher in human history

Woo Myung The Great Teacher in human history

If you want to know more about Teacher Woo Myung,
please visit the website <www.woomyung.org> or click on the picture above.

www.woomyung.org is probably the most informative and reliable website about Teacher Woo Myung.
You can find not only biographical information, but also stories behind his works and also his current activity.

Here goes a short sneak peek of the website.

Category about his works:

Spreader of Truth

Writer of Truth

Speaker of Truth

World Peace Ambassador

Please click each picture to read the full text.

Category about Maum Meditation:


Method of Maum Meditation

Method of Subraction!

Category about his Calligraphy:

Absolutely beautiful! 

Please visit this website to learn more about Teacher Woo Myung!

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